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Best GitHub-integrated project management solutions in 2024

Most developers spend a significant amount of time documenting their work in GitHub, so it makes sense that they would want to track projects more efficiently within the same platform.

In 2016, GitHub introduced GitHub Projects, a project management tool designed to bring project tracking closer to the codebase.

However, as teams have grown and evolved, GitHub Projects has not always kept pace with their expanding project management needs.

Because of this, many solutions have emerged, with varying degrees of integration capabilities and functionalities. In this blog, we examine the best project management solutions for integrating closely with GitHub.

Our picks

  1. Zenhub
  2. JIRA
  4. Trello
  5. Codetree

The best GitHub-integrated PM tools in 2024

1. Zenhub

Zenhub, initially launched as a GitHub extension nearly a decade ago, has evolved into a comprehensive AI-powered project management solution for software teams. While its seamless integration with GitHub remains a strong draw for GitHub users, Zenhub is increasingly recognized for its innovative AI-driven project management capabilities. These include AI labeling and AI-generated acceptance criteria, which enhance data quality within your project management system.

Moreover, AI and automation significantly boost the efficiency and effectiveness of Zenhub’s Agile processes. Key features include Automated Sprints, which instantly generate new sprints; the Daily Feed, offering a stand-up-style summary of blockers and team activities; and AI-generated Sprint Reviews.

Why consider Zenhub

Because of its history with GitHub, it’s the most seamless solution for integrating with GitHub, allowing users to use actual GitHub Issues in any Zenhub workspace, with no need for duplicating them in another tool. Zenhub also brings in lot of much-needed AI, automation, reporting, and a user-friendly experience not currently available GitHub and other competing project management systems. 

Key Features:

  • Native GitHub integration
  • Agile AI experiences 
  • Daily feeds (auto-generated daily standup)


JIRA is a well-known project management tool known for its extensive features and customization. Its integration with GitHub allows users to link commits and branches and pull requests directly to JIRA issues, providing comprehensive visibility into development activities. This helps project managers and developers track progress with less switching between platforms. However, JIRA’s GitHub integration is not native, making it more susceptible to issues like data and challenges with integration maintenance. 

One of JIRA’s key benefits is its customizable workflows and issue types, tailored to fit any team’s needs. Automatic updates based on GitHub activity ensure accurate project status, reducing manual effort and errors. JIRA’s development panel consolidates relevant GitHub information, offering a centralized view of the development lifecycle.

Why consider JIRA
Teams might consider using JIRA for its robust customization options, making it an excellent choice for enterprise-level project management. JIRA’s flexibility allows teams to tailor workflows, fields, and permissions to suit their specific needs. However, it’s important to note that the complexity of JIRA often necessitates a dedicated JIRA administrator to manage and maintain the system effectively.

Key Features:

  • Customizable workflows
  • Advanced reporting and analytics
  • Compatibility with other Atlassian products

3. is a robust project management tool that is gaining popularity among software engineering teams for its seamless GitHub integration and user-friendly interface. Known for its visual organization and flexibility, supports various project management needs with customizable workflows, automations, and comprehensive integrations. The platform’s intuitive visual dashboards provide clear insights into project progress, while its automation capabilities help save time by reducing manual effort. Additionally,’s deep integration with GitHub allows teams to link commits, branches, and pull requests directly to tasks, enhancing visibility and coordination between development activities and project management.

Why consider
Software engineering teams should consider for its ability to create tailored workflows that fit specific project needs. The platform offers powerful visualization tools, automation capabilities, and seamless integrations that streamline workflows and improve overall project efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Dashboards
  • Automation Capabilities
  • Deep Integrations

4. Trello

Trello is a highly visual and flexible project management tool that has become a favorite among engineering teams for its simplicity and effectiveness. Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable teams to transition from ideas to action in seconds, making it an ideal tool for managing everything from product launches to bug fixes. The platform’s integration with GitHub allows users to track commits, pull requests, and issues directly within Trello, streamlining the development process and improving visibility across teams.

Why consider Trello
Software engineering teams should consider Trello for its ease of use and customization capabilities. Trello’s visual boards make it easy to organize and manage tasks, while its powerful integrations with tools like GitHub, Slack, and JIRA enhance its functionality. Additionally, Trello’s automation features help reduce manual effort, allowing teams to focus on more critical tasks.

Key Features:

  • Simple, user-friendly interface
  • A lot of options to customize with the Trello power-up marketplace
  • Compatibility with other Atlassian products

5. Codetree

Codetree is a project management tool designed to add powerful functionality to GitHub Issues and Pull Requests. Codetree stays fully synchronized with GitHub, providing software engineering teams with an enhanced experience for managing their development workflow. It features Kanban boards with custom stages, automated workflows, and comprehensive reporting tools, allowing teams to track progress and maintain visibility across projects.

Why consider Codetree
Software engineering teams should consider Codetree for its seamless integration with GitHub and its ability to manage issues across multiple repositories. The platform offers robust tools for dependency tracking, epic management, and automation, which help streamline workflows and improve project management efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Native GitHub integration
  • Automations
  • Kanban boards 


As developers spend considerable time working in GitHub, integrating project management directly with GitHub can significantly streamline processes and reduce context switching.

Each of the highlighted tools—Zenhub, JIRA,, Trello, and Codetree—offers unique features and benefits that cater to different team needs. By selecting the right GitHub-integrated project management tool, teams can enhance collaboration, improve visibility, and ultimately boost their overall productivity. 

We know the amount of choices can be overwhelming, so we’d love to help you understand how Zenhub stacks up against other tools. If you’d like to get in touch, please book a demo with us.

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