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Change(b)log: Link Issues, Pull Requests, and Much More.

Welcome to Change(b)log – a roundup of the latest features you’re going to love. Want to know more? Visit our full changelog.

Linking issues & pull requests

Pull requests usually relate to at least one GitHub issue, so it makes sense you’d want to track them together as one unit through the development process.

We’ve made it a lot easier to do just that. Using Zenhub, you can attach pull requests to their corresponding issue, then track them together on your advanced task boards.

Here’s an example workflow for tracking GitHub issues and pull requests together.

A workflow for tracking GitHub issues and pull requests

Let’s say we’re working on a pull request for an expansion of our reporting suite – the cumulative flow chart. We’re going to want to connect it with the issue that describes this feature’s functionality, design, and other requirements.

There are likely going to be a few pull requests related to this master issue, but we’ll start with this one.

tracking pull requests and GitHub issues

Notice a new dropdown menu on the pull request creation page? That’s what we’ll use to connect this PR to its corresponding issue.

You can find the related issue via the search bar, scroll to select (issues "in progress" are presented first), or choose an issue from another repository with this button:

connecting pll requests with issues from GitHub

I’ve found my Cumulative Flow issue – awesome! I’ll connect it with this pull request to track them together on the task boards.

highlight on a Kanban board card highlighting an issue connection

My team has already set up a default pipeline for pull requests, Ready for Review.

Once I connect this PR to its sister issue, you’ll notice that the issue will jump to that position on the task board.

Say I manually set a different pipeline – Done – for this particular pull request. If that’s the case, then both the PR and its corresponding GitHub issue will jump there.

If a connected issue is closed, don’t worry – the pull request won’t automatically merge. It’ll stay where it is on the Board, and will disconnect from the closed issue. Similarly, if a PR is merged but its issue is not closed, they will remain connected (and the PR will reflect the new merged state.)

three-column Kanban board created with Zenhub

Now your team can easily track an issue and its corresponding pull requests on the board!

Runner-up: Board view settings

In addition to issue & pull request linking, we’ve recently released a new board view settings menu.

Board view options now go beyond show and hide closed issues, pull requests and open pipelines. You now have the ability to fully customize what you want to see on issue cards.

Multiple setting to customize a Kanban board and issue visibility

As you can see, hiding labels, estimates, milestones and epics on issue cards are all now possible! This allows you to remove information that might not be immediately relevant to you, in order to maximize the number of issues shown on the screen.

Other notable new features

Not only have we been hard at work building issue & pull request linking and board view settings – we’ve also released some smaller features that you may have seen us tweet about. Here’s a recap:

That’s all from us for now. We hope these new features help bring your workflow one step closer to perfect!

What do you want to see next? We’re all ears! Tweet us @ZenhubHQ or send us your two cents directly.

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