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Introducing the Daily Feed, your new home in Zenhub

Mornings are tough. When you’re juggling multiple projects, uncovering blockers, and keeping an eye out for incoming tasks, your head is already spinning before 10 a.m.

And that’s just you – forget keeping up with what the rest of the team is working on!  

It’s a struggle the Zenhub team knows all too well. And we heard you feel the same. 

Well, chins up! Your workday just got a little easier to wrap your head around, thanks to the newest feature in Zenhub, the Daily Feed (queue the applause). 


What is the Daily Feed?

The Daily Feed is your new home in Zenhub. Just like home, it’s the best place to start and end your day.

Unlike the traditional board view, the Daily Feed offers a consolidated and streamlined perspective of all work in flight. This includes a snapshot of what’s recently completed, what you’re currently focused on, and any blockers you might be facing.

Additionally, you can check out what the rest of the team is working on and see a snapshot of each team member’s Daily Feed under the team view. 


💡Tip: We recommend bookmarking the Daily Feed in the “favorites” section of your browser for quick access every morning.

Why start your day with the Daily Feed?

Simply put, efficiency. Boards are perfect for getting an in-depth view of all recorded tasks, but sometimes, you need something a bit more focused. With the Daily Feed, you can quickly and easily see current priorities, most recently closed issues, and blockers without applying a single board filter. 

If you’ve ever gotten to your desk on a Monday morning completely disoriented by the post-weekend fog and asked yourself, “What should I do today?” your Daily Feed will tell you what you’re currently working on and refresh your memory on what was last completed.  It can also act as an excellent starting point for what to discuss in your daily stand-ups. Speaking of which…

Daily feed for teams

The Daily Feed was actually inspired by the agile daily standup. Because of this, it can also be used to guide a team’s daily standups and reduce or replace standups altogether using the “team Daily Feed” section (this is beside “My Work”). The team Daily Feed will give you insight into what every individual member is working on, what they’ve recently completed, their blockers, and to-dos. This makes it especially useful for Product Owners, Engineering Leads, ScrumMasters, and other stakeholders. 

It doesn’t matter whether your team is agile or not – reviewing your team’s priorities and blockers regularly can help keep everyone aligned, ensure the right things are prioritized, and that the team has sufficient resourcing.

Who should use the Daily Feed? 

The daily feed is for everyone (hurray, inclusivity!). However, different team members may use it a bit differently to score different benefits. For example: 

  • Individual Contributors: Get a quick overview and easy access to your recently completed work, work in progress, and blocked work. Use this feed to help prioritize work, notify team members of blockers, and see what issues are awaiting your estimate or review. 
  • Managers and Directors: Gain insights into your team’s progress, identify and quickly remove blockers, stay on top of resourcing needs, and ensure team alignment and efficiency. 

Your feedback matters 📣

Our users have been requesting something akin to the Daily Feed for a little while now, so we’re more than happy to deliver such an in-demand tool. Of course, improvements on this feature and others are always a top priority at Zenhub, so if you have any feedback on the Daily Feed, give us a shout at the Zenhub Product Portal. 

We hope the Daily Feed feature has been as much of a game changer for your team as it has been for ours (the Zenhub team has been testing it out for a few weeks, and we’re all big fans!). To learn more about how to use this feature to its full potential, check out the help center article here or reach out to one of our customer success managers here. 

Never tried Zenhub but want to give it a go? Sign up for a free trial here.

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