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Change(b)log: Sorting Pipelines & Improvements to Epics

Welcome to Change(b)log, the series in which we share the latest ZenHub improvements. Want all the details? Visit our full changelog.

Sorted Pipelines

example of sorted pipeline on a ZenHub board

We often describe task boards as powerful "information broadcasters", but that metaphor only matters if they’re telling you what you need to hear.

Today you’ll notice something new on your task boards: Pipeline sorting! You can now sort individual pipelines by issue title, estimate, repository, assignee, and GitHub Milestone.

selecting to sorts GitHub milestones by estimate

If you drag an issue into a pipeline that’s been sorted, it’ll appear at the bottom of the pipeline when the sorting filter is removed.

dragging an issue into a pipeline that's already sorted

This change is one of a series of improvements to the board – making it easier than ever to find exactly what you need.

Improved Epics

We’re continuing to ship enhancements to ZenHub Epics. Here’s what you may have missed:

Track them your way with the Epic dropdown

filter options for tracking epics in ZenHub

Tracking an epic or its sub-issues has been made much easier with the Epic dropdown. You can filter the board by a specific epic (which will show the parent epic and its child issues), but you can additionally filter down to see only epics, all epics and their child issues, or issues that are not associated with any epic.

Add an issue directly to an Epic

adding an issue directly to an epic

Because one click is better than many, you can now add an issue to epic right from the issue creation page.

What improvements would boost your productivity? Let us know what you want to see next!

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