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ZenHub Horizon What’s new in ZenHub in July 2021!

ZenHub Horizon is our quarterly update highlighting the most recent and relevant product improvements to help you stay up to date.

We’re excited to bring you some incredible updates and improvements in this edition of ZenHub Horizon. Read on to learn more about everything we’ve built, optimized, and fixed.

What’s new ✨

Planning poker

Unlike Lady Gaga, you can read our p-p-p-poker face.

Since launching ZenHub’s planning poker in May, we’ve seen over 36,000 votes set! That’s because our new feature helps teams estimate together in an effortless, flexible, and unbiased way. Team members can estimate issues individually and record a history of who estimated what. No more guessing who was part of the process or where the estimate came from. Still not sold? We’ve seen our backlog refinement become about 80% shorter.

Animation of team providing story point estimation in ZenHub

Quick issue creation

No more issues with issue creation.

We’ve added a small, but mighty, [+] button to the pipeline headers that allows you to quickly create issue after issue after issue after iss— you get the point. Click, type, submit. It’s as easy as that! And don’t worry, all the previous features are still available through the settings menu to the left.

New issue creation in ZenHub

New pipeline/Board UI

You won’t be bored with this board.

Thanks to a number of UI changes, our board is looking sleeker, feeling more modern, and working harder to help you focus on what’s important. You may notice that we’ve removed pipeline borders to simplify the look of the board and hidden the pipeline expand/collapse until hover. The best part? There’s a lot more where this came from…check out the “On the Horizon” section below for some exciting upcoming changes to our board.

ZenHub Board UI updates

GitHub Projects Importer

A most important importer.

Still using GitHub Projects? When you’re ready to take advantage of all the great features ZenHub adds (reporting, roadmapping, automated Sprints, Epics, etc.) we make it easy to switch. It’s a two-click setup and your existing pipelines and issues will be mapped to the new workspace.

GitHub Projects to ZenHub importer

Performance, fixes, and updates

Here is a highlight of some of the smaller changes in the past few months.

Update – The dates and names of your sprints can be changed! With sprints setup, modify them and click the “Change sprint schedule” button to select your new cycles.

Update – You can export the roadmap as an SVG to make it easier to share with external stakeholders.

Update Added an option to add issues and rename an issue from inside the epic page. Hover over the issue in the list and click on the settings button to bring up all of the options.

Update – You can now remove both the start and end dates from an epic.

Update – You’ll now see a story points summary on the Closed pipeline while searching and filtering.

Performance – We’ve optimized some of our core application components which should result in a 20-30ms performance improvement for all user actions in the app.

Performance – We’ve reduced the overall code bundle size of our application by 20% resulting in faster initial load times for our web app.

Bug fix – Dragging a PRs with long names on the board no longer clips the previous issue

Bug fix – Workspace filter labels will now be applied to epics created in the roadmap. As a reminder, workspace filters allow your team to only load issues with a certain label in your workspace.

On The Horizon

A faster ZenHub Board (Alpha)

We’re working on a brand new, faster ZenHub board! It’s currently in an Alpha version, which means some features are still in development. However, we’ve seen impressive improvements in startup time: up to 4x faster in large workspaces (20,000+ issues and 200+ repos), and 20% faster in small workspaces (~1,000 issues, ~5 repos). If you’re interested in giving our team some feedback and zipping more quickly through your workflow, opt into the Alpha by reaching out to our team at to get on the list.

Sprint Insights (Beta coming soon)

With the majority of our users switching from GitHub milestones to ZenHub’s automated sprints, we’re looking to improve the sprint planning experience even more. Get more insights about your sprint, such as scope change, changes in velocity, and your upcoming sprints dates – directly on the board. At the end of a sprint, see how much was accomplished and easily move unfinished issues to the next sprint.

beta of sprint insights

That’s all, folks

As always, we’re excited to bring you new features and improvements and we will continue listening to your feedback through our public product roadmap.

And don’t forget, we’re on Slack! You can now stay up-to-date on what’s new and share learnings, tips, and tricks with the ZenHub community. Click here to join.

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